
Matthew Maher: Discerning the Devil’s Playbook – The Four Plays from Nazi Germany Currently at Play in America

Matthew Maher: Discerning the Devil’s Playbook – The Four Plays from Nazi Germany Currently at Play in America

The rising tide of antisemitism in America since Hamas attacked Israel on Oct. 7, 2023, prompted a pastor from a New Jersey church to draw a parallel between Nazi Germany and America today.


As a result of his conclusion, Matthew Maher from Landmark Church in Ocean City, wrote “Discerning the Devil’s Playbook,” a booklet in which he outlines, as stated in the subtitle: “The Four Plays From Nazi Germany Currently at Play in America.”

In a recent Gallup Poll, it was found that 81% of adults viewed antisemitism as a “very” or “somewhat” serious problem, up from 57% in 2003. As the The Washington Times reported, the poll results included a jump from 9% to 49% of those who described anti-Jewish prejudice as “very serious.” The study also showed that the share of people viewing antisemitism as a minor issue dropped to a small minority.

It was when the initial public sympathy for Israel seemed to be overshadowed by a growing opposition to Israel and support of Palestine and Hamas that Mr. Maher said he began formulating the premise for his conclusion. In America, protests against Israel’s actions included “people yelling at the top of their lungs for Hamas” without having all the facts, he said.

“I realized at that moment how quickly people can be deceived with propaganda,” Mr. Maher said in an interview. “People were led astray by lies, and that basically is what led me to begin to formulate my thoughts [for writing the booklet].”



Alex Murashko is a journalist and writing team leader for Think Eternity, a site for powerful faith content to help you live the fulfilled life in Jesus. Murashko is also founder of Media on Mission. Connect on X (formerly Twitter): @AlexMurashko.

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